Home » Australia Working Holiday Blog » Posts » 9 Signs You’re Slowly Becoming An Aussie
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Living/Travelling on a working holiday in Australia? Do you think you’ll return home the same person? Well here’s some certain signs that you’re becoming an Aussie!
1) You now call flip flops, thongs
2) You have a thong tan line on your feet all your round.
3) You can compare all the different drops of goon.
goon bags
4) You responding “yeah yeah nah nah” to a simple question has become standard.

5) You have turned a garden hose into a bong rather than use it for something illegal such as watering the plants.


6) You pronounce Melbourne as “Mel-bin”
7) You now know that all train timetables are myths.
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8) You now refer to the land down under as Straya!
9) You would rather not watch TV then have to deal with Australian TV commercials.
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Dimi /

G'day Guys, My name is Dimi, I'm one of the admins/starters of Workingholidayjobs.com.au . Freddie and I started this community to help working holiday makers and harvest workers find jobs in an easy and transparent manner. We're not just here to help you finding jobs, anything related to your working holiday down under, we will help try find a way to make it easier for you too achieve. Getting your tax done, deals, travel spots... you name it. If you ever have any questions or feedback please don't hesitate to ask. We're always looking for ways to improve the site and help meet our members needs and build a stronger community. Hope you're doing well and best of luck. Cheers Dimi

One Response to “9 Signs You’re Slowly Becoming An Aussie”

  1. Sabrina

    At the moment I would swap point 1 and 2 with “you realise there can be snow in Australia and taking skiing jackets with you is not a bad idea”


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